Facebook Sorrento coast decoration objects Casolaro Hotellerie Spa

Sorrento coast decoration objects

Sorrento coast decoration objects
Runner cm. 40x150 - 100% Cotton
Melamine tray cm. 13x21
Bone china Mug cl 40 - cm 10x10,5
Oven mitt cm. 18x30
Pot holder cm. 20x20
Tea towel Cm. 50x70 - 100% cotton
Medium candle cm. ø 10x10 - 45h
Small candle in decorated wax - cm ø 7.5x9h - 35 hours

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  • CATEGORIES: Packaging Accessories and Decorations
  • TAGS: Sorrento coast decoration objects lemon mugs candles runner tea towel, 16619660, 13719660, 18419660, 16419660, 16519660, 17819660, 19319660, 19219660, Packaging e Allestimenti, Accessories, Spring Gadget