Facebook Tulip Clear ice Bucket Casolaro Hotellerie Spa
Accessories table

Tulip Clear ice Bucket

Each package contains 1 pieces/set

Tulip Clear ice Bucket
Tulip is an ice bucket with an elegant design in its calculated minimalism, always suitable for any setting. Shape, size and capacity increase the cooling effect thanks to the accentuated level of immersion of the bottle.
Capacity: 5.25 - 1 Bottle
Suitable for food contact according to EU regulation 10/2011/CE and next updates and modifications

Unit price € 13,40 + VAT TAX
Package price € 13,40 + VAT TAX
Item: : 06180436
For more information (product - availability) click here:
The images set are for illustrative purposes.
  • CATEGORIES: Accessories table Ice bucket & columns
  • TAGS: Tulip Clear ice Bucket , accessories table, Ice bucket and columns holders,