Facebook Scraper with curved blade Martellato Casolaro Hotellerie Spa

Scraper with curved blade

Each package contains 1 pieces/set

Scraper with curved blade
Dough cutter scraper with round handle and angular and slightly curved blade, completely in stainless steel. Ideal for working dough and chocolate.
60mm blade
Article size: 120 x h 110 mm

Unit price € 7,20 + VAT TAX
Package price € 7,20 + VAT TAX
Item: : 09042784
For more information (product - availability) click here:
The images set are for illustrative purposes.
  • CATEGORIES: Pastry Pastry Lab
  • TAGS: Scraper with curved blade, pastry, moulds, Pastry Lab, Pastry tools, Martellato