Facebook Meltinchoc chocolate melter 9 litres Martellato Casolaro Hotellerie Spa

Meltinchoc chocolate melter 9 litres

Each package contains 1 pieces/set

Meltinchoc chocolate melter - Single tank - 9 litres
The Meltinchoc single-bowl analogue chocolate melter is one of the indispensable tools for working chocolate.
Precision, design, simplicity and compact size are the main advantages of this countertop device capable of satisfying even the most demanding pastry chefs.
The Meltinchoc analogue dry melter is equipped with a practical 9 liter removable stainless steel tank with plastic body and lid and is made of heat-resistant plastic material.
The manual thermostat allows you to regulate and keep the chocolate at the desired temperature.
Bowl capacity: 9 litres
Bowl size: 32x35.3x10cm
Item size: 39.5 x 45 x 13.5 cm

Unit price € 472,57 + VAT TAX
Package price € 472,57 + VAT TAX
Item: : 09042168
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  • CATEGORIES: Pastry Pastry Lab
  • TAGS: Meltinchoc chocolate melter 9 litres, pastry, moulds, Pastry Lab, Pastry laboratory equipment, Martellato