Facebook Disc Biscuit mold in silicone Silikomart Casolaro Hotellerie Spa

Disc Biscuit mold in silicone

Each package contains 1 pieces/set

Disc Biscuit mold in silicone
Dimension: Ø103 h 20 mm Volume: 140 ml
Line: Siliconflex Practical and simple to use. Made from non-toxic silicone . Resistant to temperatures -60°/+230° (oven, fridge, blast chiller) washable both by hand and in the dishwasher.
Flexible, even if folded it always returns to its original shape.

Unit price € 6,75 + VAT TAX
Package price € 6,75 + VAT TAX
Item: : 09010868
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The images set are for illustrative purposes.
  • CATEGORIES: Pastry Silicone moulds
  • TAGS: Disc Biscuit mold in silicone, pastry, moulds, Silicone moulds, Stampi monoporzione silicone, Silikomart